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July 4, 2011


Independence Day has grown to be one of my most favorite holidays. I always liked watching the fireworks and all, but I don't remember thinking how incredible this day actually is. It was just one day in the summer we got to see really cool fireworks. I hadn't actually been to a park to see fireworks for a couple years. As we kids got older, my family didn't seem to go to them as often. Or maybe they did and I was always working my late night job at the airlines. Either way, I hadn't been for a while, until somewhere around 7 or 8 years ago, I was dating a fellow that took me to every firework show we could find. I forgot how much I loved everything about it. Showing up early to get a good spot in the middle of the grass. Packing blankets to sit on. Eating snow cones. Or eating fried chicken. Throwing a ball or frisbee around while we wait. Just hanging out with our fellow countrymen and taking pride in this great nation.
How amazing is it that we get to celebrate our freedom not just for one day out of the year,
but everyday (minus the awesome fireworks).

Over the years I have to come to reflect more and more on history. All history. It didn't use to fascinate me. However, I find myself watching the History Channel more and more these days. One of the most amazing things from our history is the symbolism that fireworks behold.

"And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting through air"

(Pictures from last year's show)

What a beautiful display continued to honor those countrymen who gave up family,
homes and even lives for their freedom then and our freedom now.
How proud it makes us as Americans in the United States.
How exciting it is to see children awaiting anxiously in anticipation of this tradition, and
the awe they give at every burst of color in the night sky.
How hopeful we are that we may continue to be a Great country, Proud and Free!


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