July 2, 2013

Toes In The Sand month 6

Um, somehow the first day of the month came and went without me realizing it. I'm a day late, but kits for month 6 of Toes In The Sand Block Of the Month are going today. I'm attributing my forgetfulness on the fact that the rec center in my neighborhood is doing free spin classes for the month of Tour De France. Yesterday was the first time I have ever done spinning. I went to the 545am class. By the end of it, I could barely walk. Why do those seats have to be so uncomfortable! I went again this morning, and am much more sore than yesterday. I'm told it takes about a week for soreness to go down. UGH!

Here are this month's blocks. If you'd like to join this block of the month, there is still a few spots open. You can play catch up and get all 6 months at once, or do them one at a time. Sign ups can be found here.

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Thanks, and have a great day!